{"id":392,"date":"2018-10-29T22:06:41","date_gmt":"2018-10-29T20:06:41","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/saspio.org.za\/?p=392"},"modified":"2022-08-18T11:35:29","modified_gmt":"2022-08-18T09:35:29","slug":"why-gum-disease-can-affect-so-much-more-than-your-oral-health","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/saspio.org.za\/2018\/10\/29\/why-gum-disease-can-affect-so-much-more-than-your-oral-health\/","title":{"rendered":"Why gum disease can affect so much more than your oral health"},"content":{"rendered":"
by<\/span>\u00a0Marelize Wilke for Health24<\/h5>\n

Gum disease isn\u2019t just disastrous for your teeth, but also for the rest of your body. Here is why you should step up your oral health routine<\/h3>\n

Have you been skimping on your oral care routine lately? Be aware that there is much more at stake than only your teeth and gums.<\/p>\n

Your oral health can affect your whole body. More and more evidence seems to be showing that there is a strong association between gum disease and serious health problems such cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and even pregnancy complications.<\/p>\n

Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter,\u00a0explains\u00a0why your overall health is intrinsically linked to your oral health. “The link between oral health and overall body health is well documented and backed by robust scientific evidence. Despite this, only one in six people realises that people with gum disease may have an increased risk of stroke or diabetes. And only one in three is aware of the heart disease link.”<\/p>\n

What is the connection?<\/p>\n

You might be wondering how the state of your gums and teeth can be connected to your internal health. Here’s how gum disease is linked to significant health problems:<\/p>\n

1.\u00a0Oral health and your heart<\/p>\n

In the case of heart disease, some theories seem to link to the bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria enter the blood stream, where they land on existing artery plaques and\u00a0aid\u00a0in clot forming, ultimately causing cardiovascular diseases.<\/p>\n

Research has shown in the past that people with gum disease are twice as likely to suffer from artery disease as people without gum disease.<\/p>\n

2.\u00a0Oral health and diabetes<\/p>\n

There is an even\u00a0stronger\u00a0link between gum disease and diabetes, according to research. Gum disease can actually increase blood sugar levels in the body, which can ultimately lead to diabetes, or make it harder to control diabetes if you are already diabetic. Studies have shown that people with gum disease are more likely to have uncontrolled blood sugar than those without.<\/p>\n

3.\u00a0Oral health and inflammation<\/p>\n

Your overall health is also affected by the presence of\u00a0inflammation\u00a0in the body caused by gum disease. The more inflammation in your body, the higher your risk for developing infections and slowly damaging the heart and brain over an extended period of time.\u00a0“Periodontal disease increases the body’s burden of inflammation,”\u00a0says\u00a0periodontist Dr Hatice Hasturk of the Harvard-affiliated Forsyth Institute, a not-for-profit research organisation focused on oral health.<\/p>\n

4. Oral health and pregnancy complications<\/p>\n

There is some\u00a0evidence\u00a0that gum disease can lead to possible pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia. There is also research that suggests that 18 in 100 premature births can be linked to gum disease. Unfortunately the hormonal fluctuations caused by pregnancy can make you more\u00a0susceptible\u00a0to gum disease as this changes the body\u2019s response to plaque. To avoid pregnancy complications and gum disease altogether, it is important to step up your dental routine during pregnancy.<\/p>\n

Visit your dentist before you try to\u00a0conceive\u00a0to rule out any possible signs of gum disease and risk of bacteria in your mouth entering the bloodstream and affecting the placenta.<\/p>\n

5. Oral disease and cancer risk<\/p>\n

Gum disease is not only associated with the above medical problems, but also with cancers of the head and neck, as previously mentioned in a\u00a0Health24\u00a0article. In fact, a number of\u00a0studies\u00a0have suggested that tooth loss caused by gum disease may be linked to various types of cancers.<\/p>\n

How to prevent gum disease\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

A proper oral hygiene routine is key to help prevent gum disease. Make sure to:<\/p>\n